If I was just starting out on Instagram, here's what I would do ...

I have been working with a lot of clients (and team mates) who are just getting started on Instagram. They aren't quite sure what to post, or how to grow their account and are really just getting a lay of the land.
So, I decided to compile a list of things that I would recommend - for those just starting out!
So, if you fit into this boat ...here you go ...
Let go of your fears around dirty old men ...yes they are going to come follow you, maybe even send you 'sugar daddy' messages - but that's okay! Block and delete, all good. A public account is a non-negotiable because I want you to think of your IG as a search engine that will find you your ideal customers, if you build content for them. I recommend a Creator Account.
I know you have products that fit so many demographics - but when it comes to your personal brand, I want you to NARROW DOWN! That way, when you are creating content, you can create it with a specific consumer in mind ...and you can make sure that it appeals to them. The goal is to create sharable, saveable content. Always.
I know you have products that fit so many demographics - but when it comes to your personal brand, I want you to NARROW DOWN! That way, when you are creating content, you can create it with a specific consumer in mind ...and you can make sure that it appeals to them. The goal is to create sharable, saveable content. Always.
Unless you have a widely successful business page (which I have yet to meet a NWM'er that does TBH) ...please let go of connecting your Instagram to a Business Page. Connect it to your personal account! You're building a personal brand and this way your storie (which are for your warm market, and growing warm market) are done on one platform, and show up on 2.
Unless you have a widely successful business page (which I have yet to meet a NWM'er that does TBH) ...please let go of connecting your Instagram to a Business Page. Connect it to your personal account! You're building a personal brand and this way your storie (which are for your warm market, and growing warm market) are done on one platform, and show up on 2.
And that's it my friends! If I was to start again, these are the things that I would do!
What questions do you have? Where do you feel stuck?
Write back and let me know!
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