123. The Power Pivot
These last few weeks have been such a whirlwind for me! From finding out that S&D was changing out of the MLM format, to starting a whole new journey - I feel like I’ve been on a rollercoaster.
A magical rollercoaster, but still a rollercoaster.😂
The ups and downs.
The questions.
The fear of the unknown.
The excitement of potential.
The beginning of a brand new journey.
And if there’s one thing that has made this transition as smooth as it has been - it’s the brand I’ve built.
A brand, that incorporated the products that I was selling - but didn’t rely on them. A brand that could easily grow, in any way that I grew. A brand that allowed me to naturally start sharing about a brand new endeavour. My first business may be ending, but my brand is as strong as ever.
Listen in to learn more.