The 4 Mistakes You May Be Making

Season #7

Listen, I'm going to guess that there are more mistakes that we are all making in our businesses ...but here are 4 that I think you can correct right away, and will make (almost instantaneous) shifts!


  1. You're hiding.
  2. You aren't using your personal profile.
  3. You are only sharing products.
  4. You aren't repurposing or re-using content.


I will dive into each of these inside today's episode.


After you've listened, make sure to come and let me know if you're guilty of any of them! XO


And ps. Today's episode was sponsored by my brand new Instagram course for Network Marketers. If you're looking to learn the Instagram ropes and start truly using it for your business - this course is incredible and will give you everything you need to get started and get confident.


You can sign up here:


And lastly, please make sure we are connected over on Instagram ( I want to make sure I am following you too!